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Activated Charcoal | 主要吸收体内毒素的成分, activated charcoal cleanses the skin and helps in pulling toxins out which leaves you with a fresh, smooth, and supple face. |
Aloe Vera | 芦荟是一种天然成分,富含维生素, amino acids, and phytosterols, which give it the soothing and healing properties which make it a common treatment for burns or dry skin. Aloe vera also has vitamins A, C, D, and E, and the minerals zinc, potassium, and magnesium. These help reduce inflammation and lightens the skin, making it useful against blemishes |
Arbutin | Arbutin is derived from berries, and regulates the pathway that produces pigmentation/melanin. This gives it the ability to brighten skin. It also helps to reduce age spots, blemishes, scars, and hyperpigmentation. It is considered gentle to the skin and can reduce the degree of skin darkening by blocking the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved with melanin production. |
Argireline | An amino acid peptide which is used in the improvement of existing fine lines and wrinkles. It also greatly assists in reducing folds and prevents further wrinkle formations. Acts to relax the muscles around the eye and face which lead to wrinkle formation. |
Avocado Oil | Pressed from the pulp of the avocado fruit, 鳄梨油富含omega-3脂肪酸和维生素A, D, and E which are all important for the skin. It helps to moisturize and nourish the skin, accelerates healing properties, and its anti-inflammatory properties can help against eczema and psoriasis. It also has the ability to serve as a carrier oil and help other active ingredients reach the deeper layers of skin |
Azelaic Acid | Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid found in grains such as barley, wheat, and rye. 它有抗菌和抗炎的特性 使它对有瑕疵或酒糟鼻的人有效. It can help prevent future skin outbreaks and reduce bacteria that come into contact with your pores |
Bakuchiol | Derived from the seeds and leaves of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, this natural vegan ingredient is thought of as a Vitamin A/Retinol analog because it acts on the same retinoid receptors on our skin. Bakuchiol functions similar to Retinol in increasing cell turnover and collagen production, 但对皮肤的刺激比一些人发现的视黄醇要少. |
Bamboo Extract | The bamboo tree is full of natural silica, an essential mineral that promotes healthy skin. It is also rich in amino acids and flavonoids which protect the skin from oxidative stress. Bamboo extract also displays anti-microbial and healing properties to repair the skin and prevent breakouts and blemishes. |
Cacao Powder | Cacao beans are often used to make chocolate, but cold-pressed cacao beans gives us the highly beneficial Cacao Powder. When used on the skin, it retains its anti-oxidant properties as well as nutrients and omega-6 fatty acids. Cacao powder is high in antioxidants that assist in reducing toxins. 黄烷醇有助于保护皮肤,增加真皮血液流动. The same fatty acids seen in cocoa butter are present in cacao powder to nourish the skin. |
Caffeine | While known for its benefits in daily beverages, caffeine has several key benefits to the skin. When used in topical applications, it shows excellent anti-oxidant properties to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Also has the ability to reduce subdermal fat deposits which contribute to puffiness. 咖啡因还能促进皮肤内的血液流动 |
Cannabidiol (CBD) | Cannabidiol (CBD) acts on CB1, CB2 and CBN receptors, which are present on skin cells. CBD has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can moisturize and hydrate the skin without clogging pores. |
Capsaicinoids | 辣椒素是辣椒科的化合物. When applied topically, it helps to stimulate blood circulation and helps minimize fat deposits in the skin. |
Carnitine | Assists in making skin supple and plump, it also reduces irritants on the skin by producing new cells that is evenly distributed to the areas that need it. |
CBD | Cannabidiol (CBD) acts on CB1, CB2 and CBN receptors, which are present on skin cells. CBD has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can moisturize and hydrate the skin without clogging pores. |
Cococin | Derived from coconut solids, Cococin aids in healthy skin regeneration, assists in skin elasticity, and increases the effect of skin hydration. |
Co-enzyme Q10 | Co-enzmye Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinone, which is a natural body enzyme found in every cell of the human body. It is vital for energy production in cells. As a topical ingredient, it is important to replenish CoQ10 levels in the skin keep cells active and energized to help rid themselves of toxins. It is also important for collagen synthesis, as well as evens skin tone via its effects in regulating melanin production. |
Copper | A natural mineral that helps reduce inflammation and improves the skin's overall condition. |
Copper Peptides | Copper peptides work as an antioxidant, to promote collagen and elastin production in the skin. They help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as improving skin firmness and smoothness. |
Date Palm Extract | Date palm extract, Phoenix dactylifera, 已经被科学证明可以减少明显的衰老迹象吗. Extracted from the date fruit, it contains natural anti-oxidants and phytohormones which result in improved skin elasticity, brighter skin, 减少发红和色素沉着. The phytochemicals and phytosterols impart intense hydrating properties to the skin as well. |
DMAE | Dimethyl MEA (DMEA), which is composed of amino acids and choline, 促进细胞生长和新陈代谢的营养物质. Dimethyl MEA reduces inflammation, improves lines and wrinkles, and increases firmness, along with other many therapeutic uses. |
Ellagic Acid | Ellagic acid is a powerful anti-oxidant, which is found in superfoods as pomegranites, cranberries, walnuts, and pecans. It also has the ability to directly inhibit certain known carcinogens, 比如亚硝胺和多环芳烃, from binding to DNA. This further protects skin on a cellular level against the UV radiation. |
Emblica | Emblica源自古印度的醋栗果实. It contains strong antioxidants and Vitamin C that provide long-term protection against free radicals, 以及天然元素提亮肌肤. |
Eucalyptous Oil | 桉树这种植物最常见于澳大利亚. Eucalyptous oil is an essential oil that is high in flavonoids and other anti-oxidants to protect the skin and reduce signs of aging. It also has high levels of ceramides, which are fatty acids normally found in skin which help retain moisture. It also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-microbial properties as well which could help against inflammatory conditions like eczema or psoriasis. |
Ferulic Acid | Ferulic acid is derived from plant cell walls such as rice, wheat, and apples. It is an antioxidant in its own right, but also stabilizes Vitamin C and Vitamin E to create a powerful synergistic effect and reduce signs of aging and fight free radicals. |
Glutathione | An antioxidant peptide, 谷胱甘肽用于保持唇部的水分, hydrating and giving lips a fuller, plumper look |
Glycine | Glycine is a non-essential amino acid which is a major building block of collagen and elastin, 维持皮肤强度和柔韧性的蛋白质. Glycine greatly aids in the body’s ability to repair damaged skin and tissue.是什么让皮肤和结缔组织保持紧致和弹性. It is called a glucogenic amino acid, which means it supplies glucose for energy. Without glycine, the body would not be able to repair damaged cells. |
Glycolic Acid | Glycolic acid is the smallest alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), derived from sugar cane. Its small size allows it to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Glycolic acid is an effective exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and loosen buildup of oils and debris which lead to breakouts. Glycolic acid helps to separate skin cells in the outer layers of skin without rough, mechanical exfoliation techniques. This speeds up cell turnover and bring fresher, younger cells to the surface. It has effective skin-renewing properties, reduces inflammation, evens skin tone, and gives the skin a soft, supple feel |
Grape Fruit Extract | Grapefruits are rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-oxidant for the skin. Grapefruit extract also is rich in flavanoids, polyphenols, 抗微生物的特性有助于减少毛孔, reduce breakouts, and reduce signs of aging. |
Green Tea Extract | 绿茶是由茶树的叶子制成的, but they have not undergone the withering and oxidative process used to make other teas. This allows it to retain its nutrients and powerful anti-oxidant properties. It can help to improve blemishes, reduce oily skin, and make your skin look younger. It contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and other key nutrients which help protect the skin and retain moisture. |
Gylcolic Acid | Glycolic acid is the smallest alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), derived from sugar cane. Its small size allows it to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Glycolic acid is an effective exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and loosen buildup of oils and debris which lead to breakouts. Glycolic acid helps to separate skin cells in the outer layers of skin without rough, mechanical exfoliation techniques. This speeds up cell turnover and bring fresher, younger cells to the surface. It has effective skin-renewing properties, reduces inflammation, evens skin tone, and gives the skin a soft, supple feel |
Hemp Seed Oil | 大麻籽油是由多种大麻籽制成的. 没有高水平THC的sativa植物. It is high in omega-3 and -6 fatty acids to help to hydrate the skin. 这些脂肪酸还具有抗菌特性, making it a well-balanced mosturizer that doesn't clog pores but still hydrates. 它也有助于减少石油产量和突破 |
Hyaluronic Acid | Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the dermis, the layer of skin immediately under the surface. In newborns, it’s quite plentiful, but gradually diminishes as we age. 将透明质酸送回皮肤,改善皮肤弹性和肤色, alleviates dry skin, and speeds up wound healin. Hyaluronic acid holds 1000x its weight in water, and helps to replenish and retain moisture. |
Hydrogen | Hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that instantly hydrates the skin and boosts the skin’s elasticity. The small hydrogen molecules can penetrate through the subdermal layers of the skin to help scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidation within the skin |
Jojoba Oil | The Jojoba plant is a shrub native to the southwestern United States. Jojoba Seed Oil is rich in vitamins A, E and D, plus antioxidants and fatty acids. Jojoba oil has properties nearly identical to our skin's own natural sebum. This means it can penetrate below the top layer of skin to allow for for maximum nourishment. Jojoba also has natural antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties |
Jojoba Seed Oil | The Jojoba plant is a shrub native to the southwestern United States. Jojoba Seed Oil is rich in vitamins A, E and D, plus antioxidants and fatty acids. Jojoba oil has properties nearly identical to our skin's own natural sebum. This means it can penetrate below the top layer of skin to allow for for maximum nourishment. Jojoba also has natural antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties |
Kojic Acid | Kojic acid is derived from mushrooms and works to brigten and even skin by regulating melanin production in the skin. 它还具有抗菌和抗氧化的特性. 当与其他美白或去角质成分结合使用时, it displays great synergistic effects |
KuKui Nut Oil | 库库伊坚果树生长在夏威夷和波利尼西亚. 库库伊坚果油含有亚油酸和omega-3等脂肪酸, 哪一种可以帮助镇静皮肤,减少炎症. This rich blend of fatty acids can easily be absorbed into the skin to help heal and form a protective barrier against environmental stressors |
Lactic Acid | 乳酸是从牛奶中提取的α -羟基酸(AHA). It is often used to treat hyperpigmentation, age spots, an uneven complexion. 其他好处包括改善肤色和减少毛孔. 它还能温和地去角质,刺激胶原蛋白的产生. |
L-Carnitine | 左旋肉碱是人体自然产生的一种氨基酸. 它有助于大大减少皮脂/油的生产. 它在皮肤和脂肪代谢中也起着重要作用. 左旋肉碱有助于将身体脂肪转化为能量. |
Magnesium | Magnesium helps in the synthesis of collagen making it great as an anti-aging product. It also protects the skin from external damage due to its cellular regeneration properties that increases skin recovery. |
Mandelic Acid | Mandelic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) which is derived from almonds. "Mandel" is the german word for "almond." It is a larger AHA, 也就是说它不能像其他果酸那样深入皮肤, and is generally a milder AHA exfoliant. It is effective in treating hyperpigmentation, blemishes, and signs of aging. |
Marula Oil | 马鲁拉果是一种原产于非洲的肉质水果. 它所含的维生素C是葡萄柚的四倍, giving it incredible anti-oxidant properties to reduce free radicals and improve collagen synthesis and skin repair. |
Myrrh Extract | Myrhh extract is a natural tree resin. It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties that keeps nails healthy and rigid, and improves the skins elasticity. |
name | description |
Papaya Enzyme | The Papaya enzyme, Papain, is derived from the fruit of the papaya plant. 它有能力温和地去除和溶解死皮细胞. 这种去角质的力量帮助皮肤变得清洁和明亮. It also has effects in unclogging pores and as an anti-inflammatory agent. |
Passion Fruit Extract | Passion Fruit is considered a superfood. Passion Fruit Extract contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A which have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce signs of aging. In addition to riboflavin it can help skin retain moisture and improve blood flow, 使它看起来更年轻,防止老化和皱纹. |
Peloids | Peloids, a therapeutic mud silt, 由90%的水组成,并充满了有机物质, minerals, 以及来自多年生物和地质活动的维生素. 类球茎富含对皮肤健康至关重要的矿物质, absorbs excess oils, minimizes pores, and removes dead skin cells. |
Peptides | Peptides are the building blocks to the protens which are present throughout our bodies. In skin care, they stimulate collagen production and strengthen and stimulate healthy skin cells. Their small size allows them to penetrate through all layers of the skin. They help to firm and tone the skin, increase collagen production, improve hydration, and reduce the appearance of fine lines |
Phytic Acid | Phytic acid is a alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) which is naturally present in legumes and seeds. 它通常被认为是护肤品中使用的较温和的果酸之一. 它能同时去角质和提亮皮肤. It has the ability to regulate the synthesis of melanin in the epidermis. |
Polyglutamic Acid (PGA) | 由几个氨基酸谷氨酸分子组成, PGA有能力在水中保持其重量的5000倍! 这使它具有令人难以置信的保湿和保湿特性. This natural ingredient works synergistically with Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to prevent the breakdown of HA by the enzyme hyaluronidase. PGA已被科学证明可以减少衰老的迹象, create a protective barrier for the skin, and hydrate! |
Polyhydroxy Acid (PHA) | Poly-hydroxy Acids (PHA) are a gentle acid exfoliants which are similar to AHAs. Their larger molecule size means that they absorb more slowly and don't penetrate as deep, 也就是说更温和,刺激更少的去角质澳门皇冠体育. PHAs are also unique because they also serve as incredible humectants, to draw moisture back to the skin. |
Pullulan | Pullulan is a polysaccharide starch that gives the skin a tightening effect and helps to absorb and retain moisture |
Pumpkin Seed Extract | Pumpkin seed extract (Cucurbita pepo) contains more than 100 nutrients. It contains vitamin A and C which help prevent oxidative stress and increase collagen production. Also, the alpha hydroxy acid fruit enzymes serve to help exfoliate and soften the skin. Cucurbita pepo extract gets absorbed quickly into the skin, to deliver fast and effective results. |
Reservatrol | 白藜芦醇是一种强大的抗氧化剂,存在于葡萄和葡萄酒中. As a polyphenol, 它具有令人难以置信的抗氧化特性,可以减少自由基, protect collagen and skin, and also even skin tones. |
Resorcinol | It is used in breaking down rough, scaly, 或者硬化的皮肤,这有助于治疗痘痘, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders. |
Roe Enzyme | The Roe enzyme is a natural enzyme derived from fish eggs that brightens and tightens the skin while softening dead skin cells. The enzyme can provide gentle exfoliation of the skin without causing thinning or inflammation. It leaves your skin feeling soft and supple |
Rose Water | Rose Water has incredible anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to the skin, 使其对痘痘和红肿有效. It is also effective in hydrating and balancing the skin's natural oils. |
Rosehip Seed Oil | 玫瑰果籽油是从野生玫瑰丛中提取的. This oil is very high in Vitamin A. It helps to brightens and even out the skin, and helps with anti-aging, elasticity, and collagen production. 它有助于减少疤痕和妊娠纹,同时滋润, healing, and improving skin flexibility. |
Safflower Oil | Safflower is one of the oldest cultivated crops, its use dating back to ancient Egypt. 从红花籽中榨出的油富含维生素E, which offers many health benefits. In addition to vitamin E, safflower oil also contains omega-6 fatty acids. These give it anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties to the skin. Additionally, omega-6脂肪酸有助于保持水分和平衡, without clogging pores |
Salicylic Acid | Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) which is derived from willow bark. As a BHA, it is fat-soluble and can penetrate into the lipid layer of the skin to unclog pores, reducing breakouts and blemishes. |
Silt | Obtained from bodies of water. This component has a strong absorbent nature, Silt is rich in humic acid and essential minerals like zinc and magnesium |
Squalene | 角鲨烯是一种天然有机化合物,由人体产生. It comprises about 10% of the skin's oil. It is a fatty molecule which helps in retaining the skin’s moisture and hydration. It is a natural anti-oxidant and is useful for anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as reducing fine lines and redness. |
Sunflower Oil | 向日葵是一种原产于北美的植物. Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E, A, C, and D, which are all effective anti-oxidants to reduce free radicals in the skin and minimize signs of aging and breakouts. It is highly absorbant in the skin, and its high levels of omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E gives it emollient properties to help skin retain moisture. |
Sweet Almond Oil | Almonds are often considered a 'superfood.' It is rich in Vitamin A to stimulate collagen production and Vitamin E to reduce oxidative damage in the skin. It also is rich in omega-3 fatty acids to help the skin retain moisture. 锌等其他营养物质有助于愈合 |
Tamanu Oil | Derived from the fruits of the Tamanu Tree, this ingredient improves the skin and reduces breakouts thanks to its antibacterial properties. As an antioxidant, it fights free radicals that cause premature aging. |
Taurine | 牛磺酸是一种天然存在于人体内的氨基酸. It provides energy and nutrients to skin cells rejuvinate and rehydrate the skin. |
Titanium DiOxide | Titanium DiOxide is a naturally-occuring mineral that is a key ingredient in sunscreens to help in protecting skin against UVA and UVB radiation. It serves as a physical block/barrier from the harmful UV rays of the sun |
Tranexemic Acid | Tranexamic acid (TXA) stops the uptake of the pigment producing cells into the upper layers of the skin, 使其对色素沉着和变色问题有效. It also acts to reduce redness and dark under eye circles via its effects as an anti-fibrinolytic |
Trichloroacetic Acid | Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) is a self-neutralizing acid, which is an analog of acetic acid. It is used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. Commonly used in chemical peels, it helps treating hyperpigmentation, scarring, and wrinkles, by exfoliating and clearing dead skin cells. |
Turmeric | Turmeric is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that contains curcumin, which is the active ingredient to decrease inflammation and oxidation |
Vegetable Glycerin | Glycerin in a powerful humectant that acts both to draw moisture back to the skin and create a protective barrier from the elements |
Vitamin A (Retinol) | Retinol is a form of Vitamin A (Retinoic Acid) which is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for several biological functions. Collagen production is stimulated and the skin becomes more elastic and strong, thus reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Vitamin A also works to help unclog pores by regulating the production of sebum. 视黄醇被证明有助于改善不均匀的肤色, promote cell turnover and reproduction, and it’s an effective treatment for a variety of skin conditions and breakouts |
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) | Niacinamide is an important nutrient for the skin, kidneys, and brain. It helps build keratin to strengthen skin, 创造一个脂质屏障,帮助皮肤保持水分, and reduces oil production. Like many important vitamins, it helps reduce oxidative stress to the skin and reduce inflammation and scars. |
Vitamin C (L-Asorbic Acid) | Known for its presence in citrus fruits, the most pure form of Vitamin C is actually L-Ascorbic Acid. In skin care, it is used as a powerful anti-oxidant to reduce free radicals and also is critical for collagen synthesis. This ingredient is key to minimize signs of aging, reduce fine lines, and even skin tone |
Vitamin E | Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. 它具有全面支持皮肤免疫系统的特性, reduce inflammation, and also protects against UV rays. Vitamin E lives in cell membranes, so it serves to strengthen the skin barrier and retain moisture in the skin. |
Vitamin F | Vitamin F is not a typical "vitamin", but a combination of essential Fatty acids that locks in moisture (prevents TEWL), 恢复皮肤的天然脂质屏障, and helps give the skin a healthy glow. |
Vitamin K | Vitamin K is an important fat-soluble vitamin which is vital to many functions throughout our bodies. 它主要存在于绿叶蔬菜中. As it relates to the skin, it serves to strengthen the connective tissues in vein and capillary walls. And, like so many important skin care ingredients, it is also an antioxidant, 保护皮肤免受污染和阳光的伤害. We utilize its benefits to help combat skin conditions such as Rosacea, Spider Veins, and Dark Circles. |
Witch Hazel | Witch hazels are shrubs indigenous to America. Witch Hazel extract acts to tone skin by shrinking pores and also reduces skin inflammation and irritation. 金缕梅一直是一种受欢迎的治疗晒伤的药物. |
Witch Hazel Extract | Witch hazels are shrubs indigenous to America. Witch Hazel extract acts to tone skin by shrinking pores and also reduces skin inflammation and irritation. 金缕梅一直是一种受欢迎的治疗晒伤的药物. |
Zinc | An essential mineral which lessens the formation of skin free radicals and protects the skin’s lipids. It is also effective and beneficial against breakouts and scarring. |
Zinc Oxide | 氧化锌是一种立即起作用的活性成分. It instantly creates a physical barrier between your skin and the sun to protect you from its harmful effects. Zinc oxide does not cause any harm to the skin. It is suitable to be used on sensitive skin, and is also often used to treat minor skin irritations. |
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Hale Cosmeceuticals Inc. All rights reserved.